Shop – [CartNinja]

Shop – [CartNinja]

Design OK minus

Simple, Affordable, Pricing
Full Cart Ninja Access is now FREE
$49.99 FREE for life!

Cart Ninja only charges when you start selling! The rate is 1.9% + 49¢ per transaction,
which means there is no risk to start using Cart Ninja!

Shop – [Ecwid Shopping Cart]

Shop – [Ecwid Shopping Cart]

Design OK

free = 10 Produkte
12 €/mo = 100 Produkte Venture
30 €/mo = 2500 Produkte Business
82 €/mo = unlimited Produkte

30 Payment Options
Real Time Shipping Rates
Facebook Store App
Social Commerce Sharing
Downloadable Goods

Shop – [Ready! Ecommerce]

Shop – [Ready! Ecommerce]

Design GOOD

To display product use next shortcode:
[product id=“615″ show=“sku“ theme=“standart“]

id – product ID
show – parameter list you want to show for your product
You can use: ‘full_image’, ‘preview_images’, ‘title’, ‘price’, ‘show_extra_fields’, ‘sku’, ‘details’, ‘quantity’, ‘show_twitter’, ‘show_gplus’, ‘show_facebook’, ‘short_descr’, ‘full_descr’, ‘add_to_cart’
exclude – parameter list you want to exclude from product view, same list as for show, use one of those two parameters
theme – theme code
gallery_position used to position your pictures, can be one of 2 values – ‘left’ or ‘right’
Displaying products with shortcodes example